“I became a dentist to improve lives through the kind of dentistry everyone would love to experience.”

Dr. Jeremiah Aigbedion

From Nigeria to Houston

Born in Nigeria, Dr. J moved to Houston when he was four years old. He grew up in the Richmond/Katy area, graduating from George Bush High School. He then began his post-high school educational career at the University of Houston where he received a bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science.


If you are missing multiple upper or lower teeth and want a permanent solution, Dental Implants may be the permanent solution for you.

Dental School & Residency

Inspired to become a dentist, Dr. J. headed to Texas A&M College of Dentistry to earn his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree. He went on to complete the Advanced Education in General Dentistry program at Oklahoma University College of Dentistry where he focused on cosmetic and implant dentistry.

“Dr. J is by far the best dentist…”

Dr. J is by far the best dentist I have ever been to. He is so helpful. My whole family has been seeing him for forever. He gave my mom 7 implants and they are beautiful. Took incredible care of my 6 kids too. Can’t recommend him enough. Easily the best dentist in Houston. 5 stars

sam w.


He loves traveling, skiing, snowboarding, football, basketball, Crypto, stocks, and real estate. And he really loves food – especially Nigerian, Cajun, and Creole.

Heart to

Driven by a heart to serve others, Dr. J has had the privilege of providing dental care to underserved communities in Zambia.

Connect With Us

We look forward to meeting you.Call (832) 930-7741 or request an appointment online to set up your first visit. We’ll be in touch soon.

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